There are so many reasons why one should insta-blog (blog the event right when it happens, instead of 4 months later). The bunnies and their is story is one of those many reasons, here is how the story goes.....
The day after we got home from Vegas I was pushing Cinco on the swings and talking one he phone to Julie. I noticed a big pile of dead grass under our slide and I decided to investigate. Low and behold it was a nest of three baby bunnies. When the girls got up I quickly showed them my discovery. They were elated and of course really wanted to keep them. We called Trin at work and he said get a box and make them a little home! We got to work and by noon that day had 3 new members in our family.
The girls loved the bunnies with all of their hearts. Anns named hers Lucky, Emm named hers Gracie and Tills named hers Christmas (of course). They played with them all day long, we would bring them in at night and they would sit and watch TV with us, Tills would put hers in a stroller, toy barns, doll name it. She would entertain the bunnies all day while her sisters were at school. Even Trin and I took to the bunnies, everyone was happy!

The entire bunny story is too tragic to blog, so I will keep it brief. One day we only had one bunny left and even though each girl really thought they knew their bunny, one could not truly tell them apart. Therefore, they renamed the last bunny PRAISY because the girls said they praised the Lord they still had one bunny left.

We now have no bunnies left, just their memories that live in our hearts!
way to work around that one . . . very impressive.
The sweet memory of those cute little bunnies lives on over here too. We are bunny lovers now.
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