Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mother's Day Tea

Mr. DiCianno and Mrs. Bean are famous for many things and their Mother's Day Tea production is quite possibly their greatest event. Mr. D. has put an entire slide show together about a baby birds and how they leave their nest. The entire party has a bird theme and the kids spend weeks creating wonderful projects for their moms and grandmas. By the end there is not a dry eye in the room, even if you have already seen it with your other kids. It is so heart warming and so well done---an afternoon to remember forever and always!

They sing songs too!

Dynamic Duo!

Faith &b Michelle!

Random tid-bit...I wore this bow in High School!

We were so happy Maugee joined us too! (Grandma Lou Lou was out of town)

I love you Emm-Kate!

First Grade Friends!
Blog Signature

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