Here are a few things that indicate that you may be a wee bit IRISH!
When Green is your favorite color all year long. Annsley-Rae
When you try to figure out the magic of the leprechaun starting in January. Emmery-Kate
When a visit from the leprechaun is as big as a visit from Santa. Tilley-Claire
When you are half Mexican, but your skin is white as the driven snow. Cinco
So here is the deal...
Guillen is a French name, but they are not French! They are they are Latino!
However, Ferguson is derived from the name MacFergus(it's true)!
Therefore, my kids are indeed
"A Wee Bit Irish" and proud of it!
Top of the Morning Everyone!
Anns is trying to be a good sport, but I really think if you had one wish....she would still be in bed.
Emm-Kate experiencing the magic...that darn leprechaun has got us again!!
By the look on Tills face you can tell it is a Holiday. The girl has been waiting for the leprechaun since the moment sleigh bells could no longer be heard. She was beaming the entire morning. My heart was overjoyed by her enthusiasm...we should all share her love!
Cinco was super annoyed by all of the accessories.
LUCKY in sisterhood!
Emm-Kate was not about to get pinched by anybody!!
Ready to tip toe through the four leaf clovers
Tills was super excited to head to ballet in her St. Patty's Day attire!
Half Mexican or 100% Irish?
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Anns is not pictured here because she had already left for school and do to the leprechaun visit we were running late and didn't get a picture. It is the down fall of a carpool!
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