Friday, February 19, 2010


P90X has become a part of our lives! We talk the lingo, compare moves, talk to all of our friends that are also partaking in the journey. We love it and our kids love to join in too. So here we are just "Bringin' It " on a Saturday afternoon!
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Julie said...

WOW... Uncle Trini!! Get it up!

Mommy (a.k.a Melissa) said...

UM, Julie, "Get it up??" You need to reword that, it just doesn't sound right . . . I think you ment "Bring it!" Love these pics. ADORABLE! V!tgotoyo!UY! (Hazels coment)

Julie said...

Pull your mind out of the gutter, Melissa!!

Julie said...

Court, please excuse my wife because she is not down with the lingo. She also sings the wrong words to familiar songs. On another note you guy's are AWESOME!


Dahl Family said...

Tony for sure says "Get it up!"

Dahl Family said...

Okay it took me a minute to get why it needed to be reworded. My mind doesn't instantly go to the gutter like some people. Love you guys. Good luck on your P90X adventure.