Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Tia!

Ever since I can remember Tia's birthday has been about everyone, but Tia. This year was no exception! However, we did mix it up a little bit, we usually go ice skating and then somewhere for a yummy dinner, but do to increment weather we headed to the Coconut Bowl for an afternoon of bowling and back to our house for tacos and birthday cake!
Tills and Adi making sure all goes according to "their" plans!
Anns making sure Cinco keeps his ball in the right lane...this is a big job!
Papi and Liv enjoying the day!
Best Buds!
Here's Great Grandma Guillen looking "suave" as ever. We feel so fortunate to have her along whenever we can. She is such a blessing to all of us and I can only pray that I am active as she is when I am her age. WE LOVE YOU GRANDMA!
Soy enjoying the finer things of the day...that's my girl Soy!
Uncle Robert got really into his form!
Grandma we promise to get you bumpers too next time!
Tia showing Liv the ropes.
Anns and Crew produced "Girls on Ice" a Haiti relief performance.
They all rocked the night away!
Sawyer stole the show on a number of occasions!
Of course there were tricks involved.

Tilley's moves were indescribable!
Anns and Adi a dynamic duo!

Cinco was not allowed in the show he was restricted to being the sound man!

It was this very night that Liv was introduced to the world of Dress-Up! Tia your world will be changed forever, your memories of Liv in all her new attire will be endless...but so will your laundry! SORRY!!
Happy Birthday Tia!
We LOVE You!

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1 comment:

Julie said...

You did perfect time! Ad's and I had so much fun enjoying your blog. Thanks! Her favorite was her and Tills on the "pumpkins." She didn't really remember a trip to the pumpkin patch, but thought it was super fun anyway.