Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Wii

For the LOVE of the game!
Our entire family loves the Wii, bit NO one loves it as much as Cinco does. We started out by just giving him a remote that wasn't being used, that method did not last long. It took him no time realize that he was being short changed. His favorite game is sword fighting, he is practically unbeatable. He calls the Wii "BALL" , actually he says it real dramatic and slow... BAAAL. We are not sure where this approach came from, but it works. Several times a day he drags one of down to the basement for some "baaaal". Cinco not only loves the Wii, he is addicted to the Wii. I took these pictures one night when Trini had taken the girls to the UNR Basketball game, we spent the entire evening in the basement playing and as you can see we had a great time!

Taking the game seriously

It's all in the stance!

Getting sleepy
I think he has finally worn himself out!

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