Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Hearts!

I truly love a holiday! I love a project, a baked good, ribbon, fancy paper, I love all the love that goes into making a holiday a brings joy to my heart! So here is some of the LOVE that that the Guillen Girls shared this Valentine's!

Chocolate dipped Rice Krispy hearts with sprinkles for Annsley-Rae's Valentine treats. Tilley helped me 'til wee hours of the morning putting them all together. We lost Anns about 11:00...she couldn't hang anymore.

Anns was a little sad that she had to wear her uniform, when everyone else was getting all festive, but that morning on the phone she told her Aunt Jenn..."I am going to show a little spirit I'm wearing my Red Converse!"
Emmery-Kate had a definite idea on what she wanted for her Valentines...hearts on a stick!

Tilley-Claire also has a deep love for a holiday. She couldn't wait to partake in all of the days activities!

Mr. DiCiano and Mrs. Bean make our hearts happy EVERY day!!!!

A Valentine's Day Breakfast is somewhat of a tradition at Huffaker. We always have a minimum day, therefore, we do a breakfast for the party. This year we made heart shaped waffles, bacon, fruit and juice. It is a perfect way to begin a perfect day!

Tills went with me to Emm's class for the party. She was such a good girl and we had a great time.
Showin' her sister the ropes!

Emm-Kate's favorite person in the whole world.....MRS.BEAN!
There is no better T-shirt for these two girls...their love runs deep!

I had a difficult time getting all four of my kids together for a picture. So here are just a few snapshots to capture some Valentine Love!

How blessed am I by all this LOVE!
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Cinco's Hair!

There is not a day that goes by that someone does not comment on Cinco's hair. Everywhere we go at least one person strokes his long, curly locks in utter amazement! Now, a lot of times these comments do revolve around what a cute little girl he is. Trini is not amused by these comments and he is also not amused with how long his hair is...he threatens on a weekly basis to take him in and go "high and tight". I personally love the surfer, snowboarder is not my usual style, but it just seems to work. This picture was taken the other morning just after Emm-Kate had combed through his locks. I LOVE IT!
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Friday, February 19, 2010


P90X has become a part of our lives! We talk the lingo, compare moves, talk to all of our friends that are also partaking in the journey. We love it and our kids love to join in too. So here we are just "Bringin' It " on a Saturday afternoon!
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Father Daughter Dance

The Father Daughter Dance at Huffaker is a much anticipated annual event. Th dress, the shoes, dinner with Dad at Luciano's with so many friends, what's not to look forward to?However, this year was a little different, Anns would not be going since she switched schools. We gave her the option to go, but she turned it down. So Emm-Kate and Dad would carry on the tradition.

Here is Cinco trying to get in on some of the action. He already caused some action earlier in the evening....completely Cinco style. This was a very busy day and night for all of us. Trini had skied all day with Anns at Mt. Rose, he flew home to get ready to go to the dance with Emm. I was getting Emm ready, but I was going to the Snows fundraiser at 6:30. Annsley-Rae was going to Fallon and the babies were staying with Kelsey. We all were trying our best to get ready when Cinco locked himself in our bathroom and started flushing the toilet repeatedly. Trini went to get the pick that usually pops the door right open except for tonight, of course. While the toilet continues to flush, Trini tries to find the proper tools to take the door knob off, I am painting nails and curling both mine and Emms hair. I was also fighting every urge to snap some photos of these priceless moments, however, I knew better...Trin was in no mood for picture taking! He finally got the door knob off, Cinco out of the bathroom, the tiolet did NOT overflow and we all made it to our event on time.

I swore up and down that I was not going to buy a new dress for the dance. Emm's Christmas outfit was adorable and I promised myself she could just wear that. However, on our search for some different accessories we came across the "Cha Cha" dress (name given by Emm) . We both fell in love and the rest is history
Have Fun You Two!


Anns and I both love to concoct an outfit! This particular "free dress" was RED DAY. Each grade had a different color they could wear. Fourth Grade was lucky enough to to get RED which went perfect with the Valentine season. We had a great time accessorizing any way we could. She even scored a new pair of red Converse...thanks Dad!

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Nevada Museum of Art

Emmery-Kate has the two of the best teachers on the planet. Everyday is a great day at school for Emm. Mr.DiCiano and Mrs. Bean are a winning combination and we feel so blessed to have them both. Their class took a field trip to see the Woman in the Veil at the Nevada Museum of Art. It was an amazing field trip, what a great opportunity to see this Masterpiece. Mr. D. loves art and is quite a skilled artist himself. He had those First Graders knowing all they needed to know about Raphael and his painting, it was the best field trip I have ever been on. Thank you Mr. D. for instilling the love of art into Emmery-Kate. We will remember this trip forever!

Emm-Kate's Best Friend Faith Godina!

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100th Day of School!

When you are in First Grade the 100th day of school is a BIG deal! Emmery-Kate had to bring in one hundred of something to celebrate this wonderful day. She knew exactly what she wanted to do...a pillow with 100 tally marks. It turned out so cute and she was so proud of herself.

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Happy Birthday Tia!

Ever since I can remember Tia's birthday has been about everyone, but Tia. This year was no exception! However, we did mix it up a little bit, we usually go ice skating and then somewhere for a yummy dinner, but do to increment weather we headed to the Coconut Bowl for an afternoon of bowling and back to our house for tacos and birthday cake!
Tills and Adi making sure all goes according to "their" plans!
Anns making sure Cinco keeps his ball in the right lane...this is a big job!
Papi and Liv enjoying the day!
Best Buds!
Here's Great Grandma Guillen looking "suave" as ever. We feel so fortunate to have her along whenever we can. She is such a blessing to all of us and I can only pray that I am active as she is when I am her age. WE LOVE YOU GRANDMA!
Soy enjoying the finer things of the day...that's my girl Soy!
Uncle Robert got really into his form!
Grandma we promise to get you bumpers too next time!
Tia showing Liv the ropes.
Anns and Crew produced "Girls on Ice" a Haiti relief performance.
They all rocked the night away!
Sawyer stole the show on a number of occasions!
Of course there were tricks involved.

Tilley's moves were indescribable!
Anns and Adi a dynamic duo!

Cinco was not allowed in the show he was restricted to being the sound man!

It was this very night that Liv was introduced to the world of Dress-Up! Tia your world will be changed forever, your memories of Liv in all her new attire will be endless...but so will your laundry! SORRY!!
Happy Birthday Tia!
We LOVE You!

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