I truly love a holiday! I love a project, a baked good, ribbon, fancy paper, I love all the love that goes into making a holiday a holiday...it brings joy to my heart! So here is some of the LOVE that that the Guillen Girls shared this Valentine's!

Chocolate dipped Rice Krispy hearts with sprinkles for Annsley-Rae's Valentine treats. Tilley helped me 'til wee hours of the morning putting them all together. We lost Anns about 11:00...she couldn't hang anymore.

Anns was a little sad that she had to wear her uniform, when everyone else was getting all festive, but that morning on the phone she told her Aunt Jenn..."I am going to show a little spirit I'm wearing my Red Converse!"

Tilley-Claire also has a deep love for a holiday. She couldn't wait to partake in all of the days activities!

Tills went with me to Emm's class for the party. She was such a good girl and we had a great time.
Showin' her sister the ropes!
Emm-Kate's favorite person in the whole world.....MRS.BEAN!
There is no better T-shirt for these two girls...their love runs deep!

I had a difficult time getting all four of my kids together for a picture. So here are just a few snapshots to capture some Valentine Love!

How blessed am I by all this LOVE!