Saturday, January 23, 2010

Our Lady of the Snows

Well...I am really not sure where to begin with this whole story. At the beginning of December Annsley-Rae ask me if she had to finish out the year at Huffaker. I sort of laughed out loud at her and kept on with what I was doing, not really giving it a second thought. As the days went by she continued to ask if she had to finish out the year and if we could go to Snows and look around. Now mind you the idea of Snows has been kicked around our house, but not real seriously. We knew that we would have to start talking about it as we approached the middle school years, but not now. Right? As the questions persisted Trini and I both decided we needed to listen to our 9 year old. Annsley-Rae is so content in whatever she is doing, she never complains, we knew we had to act. So we called our dear friend Katie and she met us at Snows the first day of Christmas break--Snows was still in session. We met with Mr. Fuetsch, the Principal and we looked around. Mr. Fusch informed us that if we wanted to "get in" it would be in our best interest to enroll mid-year rather that wait until the beginning if 5th grade. In my head I am thinking that Anns won't really want to move now. We get in the car and she says
"Mom , will you please fill out this packet and turn it in tomorrow."
I am floored!
I say," honey did you hear what he said, you have to leave Huffaker now!
"I know mom, please fill it out!"
I inform her we must talk to Dad and think this over. Our family is engrained at Huffaker, we love the people there, the staff, I spend tons of time helping out there...I had to process this whole thing! To make a long story short we talked, prayed, went over every situation, prayed, and waited. During this time Anns told Trini her heart told her to go to Snows and she was ready for the change. We got the call from Mr. Fuetsch the Monday before school started---We Were In!
Our first day of school would be January 4, 2010. We would embark on new start time (8:15), new clothes (a uniform), new friends, new curriculum, a new adventure!
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